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“Dear Lavinia, No words can say how thankful we are for your amazing help, getting our handsome J back! It wouldn’t have happened without you. You truly are an amazing person, so understanding and knowledgeable of mental health. You are second to none!
J and I will really miss meeting you and we wish you all the very best in your new life chapter! Please don’t forget us we’ll find you (smiley face).”


“To Lavinia, Thank you for being everything we ever needed in a psychiatric nurse! You have made a lifetime of  difference to E & myself, and I can’t thank you enough. We will miss you. Sunniest wishes of luck in your new pursuits…”


Just had my first assessment and I cannot tell you the relief I felt Someone listened to me (and my child).  They listened and heard what I was and wasn’t saying. They asked the ‘right’ questions that enabled me to give the answers that I needed (and struggled) to describe.  Thoroughly recommend The M Word! I came out of the session to Lavinia and  cried with relief.”

Jaqui, Lesley & Tracy

“Always cheery and accommodating.”


“Thank you for being everything we ever needed in a psychiatric nurse! You have made a lifetime of difference.”


“No words can say how thankful we are for your amazing help, getting our handsome Joe back! It wouldn’t have happened without you. You truly are an amazing person – so understanding and knowledgeable of Mental Health. You are second to none!"

One very happy and relieved Mum

“I am close to tears with what you have done for my son. He said you were amazing, and exactly the level of support he felt he needed. He cannot wait to start work with you."


"Thank you very much for your time, the reports are fabulous."


"Fantastic report, thank you.  We particularly liked that you made little/no reference to his academic ability, something school keep throwing back at me!

Also, the effect that long term masking has had on his mental health, and which still is not picked up by school."


“Wow, I can’t quite believe how well that meeting went this morning – It was a complete 180 from school. Thank you so much, they did exactly as you’d hoped – they directly asked for your advice! Afterwards they remarked how lucky we have been to find you.

Again, I just want to thank you for this morning, that meeting went so much better than I ever thought it could."

Cath A

"Wow! That was a lot to review in a short space of time.

Thank you so so much Lavinia – this is perfect!"

Marie T

"Now that I am finding some sense of normal and with the new school term upon us, following Lavinia’s excellent and expert report of E and his diagnosis please can I ask that we book in 8 expert parent sessions to assist with us and E moving forward."

Fiona B

"This is perfect!

Thank you both so much; I can’t tell you how much we appreciate the work that Lavinia does with us ."

Zamara W

"It's a fantastic report. 

Thank you very much."


"Many thanks to Lavinia for her really excellent report. I have never thanked her properly.

I have just had a meeting with O’s school who have agreed to process a EHCP. We are really pleased."


"Many thanks to Lavinia for her really excellent report. I have never thanked her properly."

Claire C

"Thank you for all the hard work on it."


"Have I told you how utterly fabulous you are? The M Word are genuinely my absolute favourites! You are straight to the point, respond like lightening and you have all your provisions structured to perfection and Lavinia got my child to *actually choose to partake in an assessment!*

Thank you for everything!"



“Thank you for everything you have done for me. You have made me realize who I really am. Who I want to be and what I want to achieve in life.”


“Thank you so much for an eye opening chat! Truly was WOW. I have just come out to my family and they are 100% supportive which is such a relief and makes me feel excited for the future."


"Before Lavinia I was struggling more than I ever had. It was all made worse by my previous attempts at therapy by the likes of CAMHS and referrals from doctors.

When you would have therapy sessions it felt like you should’ve been getting better, but you weren’t, and that made me feel even worse. I felt misunderstood and that others couldn’t understand how I really felt. With Lavinia I felt like she actually cared and knew how I felt. I always struggled with understanding why or how I felt the way I did, but Lavinia knew and could teach it in an easily understandable way.

Unlike before, I could tell that it was helping, and everything she taught me helped both comfort me and help me deal with my problems better. My only regret was not having therapy with her earlier."


Wg Cdr S R

"On meeting her, I felt I had to give her a chance – for me. 

She eventually gained my trust and her searching but meaningful questions linked with stuff that we had maybe talked about weeks before, but I had forgotten. She listened, processed, and then suggested some reasons as to why I was feeling the way I was. I still questioned and remained skeptical until her credibility won me over and she followed with reasoned guidance – always without pressure.

I now understand more why I feel the way I do and have some strategies with which to positively move forward – which I have done."




“Lavinia, thank you for everything you have done for me. You have taught me so much. I’m going to miss you so much.”


“Thank you for everything you have done for me. You have taught me so much + I will be forever grateful."



Sue Adeyamo, Ward Manager, Portsmouth Healthcare

“Hard-working, conscientious, meticulous, friendly disposition and straight-talking.”

Anna Campell

“An intelligent girl, she can use her own initiative when necessary and is not afraid of hard work.”

Dr Wendy Freaker, Consultant Psychiatrist, St James Hospital

“Conscientous and thorough in her work, participated fully with enthusiasm with her clients.”

Mike O’Driscoll, Deputy Ward Manager, St James Hospital

"Hard-working, conscientious, and clearly enjoys working with clients.”

Dr Sam Lee, GP, Hampshire NHS Foundation Trust

“I am pleased to say that the vast majority of clients have benefited greatly from her input, some have been able to reduce or cease to take their medication and others have learned to control their chronic problems and improve their quality of life significantly.”


Dr. Leslie Lowenthal, Berkshire Healthcare

“We have all been impressed by Lavinia’s enthusiasm. She has provided counseling to many of our severely affected patients. Patients have been very positive about the help she has been able to give them.”

Valerie Di Paulo

“Consistently demonstrated an enormous amount of energy and motivation in what she does… and quickly became an effective part of the nursing team.”


Nigel Dykes

“Can be argumentative but open to reason… Sincere and caring as an advocate to her clients.”


Anthony Adams

“Well organized, imaginative and capable of great effort and enthusiasm.”


Dr. Wendy Freaker, Consultant Psychiatrist, Portsmouth Healthcare

She was insightful and often challenging in her approach. Many clients responded well to this having felt they “got nowhere” before, and were delighted at being given some responsibility for their care.”

Louise I. Paton

“Trustworthy, reliable, adaptable and always willing to help.”


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